My Anchor Card Keeps Me Afloat
This year began in a big life transition. 2023 ended with a major retail company asking if they can carry my tarot deck, Be With Your Body Tarot (!!) I was (and am) so honored and excited. Every step after the inquiry, however, I found myself in an uncomfortable growth cycle. I only started selling these decks in April of 2023 and had just learned the ropes with wholesale to boutiques and small businesses. This was a whole new ballgame. I have spent the last six months in a series of waiting, learning, changing and then affirmation I was on the right path. The waiting would worry me that I was doing something wrong and would cause anxiety. Then, I calculated my card of the year and it all made complete sense.
In order to calculate your anchor card, or your card for the year, one would add up each digit of their birth day, birth month and each digit of the current year. My birthday is October 12th. I added 1+0+1+2+2+0+2+4 This equals 12. The 12th card in the Major Arcana is The Hanged One. The Hanged One calls on the energy of the in-between. We don’t get to know the next steps, only that they will happen when the time is right. I knew this order would take the time it would and I got to choose if I would be stressed or if I would trust the process.
My other anchor card for this year is The Empress (if you add up 1+2, you get 3. The 3rd card in the Major Arcana is The Empress). She asks us to nurture and listen to our bodies in order to create and heal. So, my advice from tarot is in those moments of uncertainty is to relax and nurture my body. For me, this means more walks in nature, more baths, more deep breaths, more warm, nurturing food.
Do you want to know what your anchor card is, and, more importantly, what does it mean? Below is a reference point for each number and the lesson for this year. I sent this out to my subscribers at the end of 2023 for this year, but I find there is more insight halfway through the year.
Add up each digit of your birth month and birth day plus each digit of 2024. Another example, if your birthday is July 24th, add up 7+2+4+2+0+2+4 = 21. 21 The World, which is about completing a cycle. This person also has The Empress as their other card, again adding up 2+1. If your number is 22 or over, keep adding the digits together until you get 21 or under. If you get a double digit number, you could possibly have two or even three anchor cards!
1. The Magician. This is a year for you to recognize your inner magic. You are learning your resources and how to share that with the world.
Affirmation: I have all the tools inside of me to heal.
The High Priestess. This year is all about trusting your intuition. Sometimes in the process of learning to trust yourself, you may ignore that wise voice inside of you. This is a learning opportunity to listen next time. The more you listen, the stronger your intuition will grow.
Affirmation: I trust what my body tells me.
The Empress: This year is about listening to, nurturing and connecting to your body to foster creation. You may be feeling extra inspired this year to make, create, and heal.
Affirmation: I feel connected with the sensations fo my body. This helps me to feel nourished on many levels.
The Emperor: Structure and support are the name of the game for you this year. You might be adjusting your routine, getting more organized, or feeling the support of your loved ones. By finding structure and support, you will feel safe to explore deeper explorations fo your heart.
Affirmation: I experience balance between my head and heart.
The Hierophant: It might be time for a guide or spiritual teacher for you this year. You may be ready to explore deeper into fulfilling knowledge and a way back to yourself. This also might be a year of self study.
Affirmation: I am open to learning form myself and others.
The Lovers: This is your year of finding true love: with yourself. The funny thing is, when we are reminded of our own wholeness (the good and the tricky), we attract people who are doing the same work. Connect with your relationship with you and love will appear all around.
Affirmation: I connect with all aspects of myself
The Chariot: It is time for you to focus. The Chariot reminds you to come back to your body and not get distracted by all the shiny things along your path. When you focus, you will drive towards your goals full steam ahead!
Affirmation: I steady and focus my breath and attention to slow come back to myself.
Strength: This is the collective card for 2024 (add up each digit of 2024 and you get 8). Strength is our inner discernment of what feels uncomfortable versus what feels unsafe. Of course if something feels unsafe, we get out of that situation, but discomfort is where growth happens. This year, you (and all of us!) will be asked to dig deep and feel that difference.
Affirmation: I notice and sit with whatever emotions arise, allowing them to be as they are.
The Hermit: This is a year to go within and listen to yourself. You may not be feeling as social these days. Take this time to tune into the wisdom of your body.
Affirmation: I use discernment of when to retreat and when to rejoin the community.
The Wheel of Fortune (also see The Magician): The things you think are “good luck” may not actually what you are looking for and what you think is “bad luck” might actually redirect you where you want to go. This year, don’t get caught up in the value of every little event, zoom out and the big picture will become very clear.
Affirmation: I am present with my current circumstances knowing the only constant is change.
Justice (also see The High Priestess): You may notice this year how your actions affect your community and how your community’s actions affect you. Healing only for ourselves is a dead end. This year is about the interconnectedness of it all in the pursuit of balance.
Affirmation: I am a microcosm of the universe. By advocating for myself, I advocate for others and visa versa.
The Hanged One (also see The Empress): You (like me!) are in a space of in-between this year. We both get to choose how we react to not knowing the exact next steps. This is a year for building trust within ourselves.
Affirmation: Right now it’s like this. I am present with my current circumstances knowing they will change when the time is right.
Death (also see The Emperor): This is the year of letting go. Notice what you are holding onto and see if that can be released. By doing this, that thing, idea, relationship, job, what-have-you, will create space for something new to come in.
Affirmation: I honor and grieve what needs to be released.
Temperance (also see The Hierophant): Balance is the name of the game for you this year! For most people, that means do a little less. You might notice that space you create will have some alchemy and will change into something new.
Affirmation: I continue to come back to a quiet place of contentment.
The Devil (also see The Lovers): The Devil energy shows up any place we get stuck in cycles. Sometimes it’s addiction, sometimes shame, sometimes obsessive thinking. Notice what you are holding onto mentally or physically. The way out of The Devil energy is to name it and ask for support.
Affirmation: I acknowledge what keeps me trapped. I find the key by naming it and removing shame.
The Tower (also see The Chariot): This is a year of big transition for you. The Tower clears away what you no longer need. It might have moments of stress and surrender, but use the focus and body connection to come back to yourself through the change.
Affirmation: I return to my breath when it feels like the world around me is crumbling.
The Star (also see Strength): The Star year always comes after a Tower year. The Star is a reminder that you are supported. Not just by the universe, but by your community. I hope this year feels very aligned for you.
Affirmation: My experience gives me wisdom, and I trust that I am supported.
The Moon (also see The Hermit): This year might feel a little foggy and be in the unknown. The work is to sit in that in-between space and know that clairty will happen when the time is right.
Affirmation: I can be with the unknown and allow things to be revealed in their own time.
The Sun (also see The Wheel of Fortune + The Magician): I hope this is a lovely year for you! The Sun is a wonderful card that reminds you to find joy and pleasure in the little (and sometimes big!) areas of your life.
Affirmation: I feel the warmth in my system and trust I am just where I should be.
Judgement (also see The High Priestess): This is a year of rebirth. You have been working towards big changes and you will feel that shift this year.
Affirmation: I notice how my efforts for growth have changed me.
The World (also see The Empress): You are completing a cycle this year. Something you have worked for is now coming to end, creating space for the next one. Take time this year to honor what you have created and hold space for the next level.
Affirmation: I notice, accept, and honor where I am on my journey.
Now, I am so happy to announce that Be With Your Body Tarot can now be found at Aerie!! The waiting, the patience (or sometimes lack there of) and change has paid off. I feel the Empress energy- which is actually my birth card! You can calculate your birth card with the same calculation as above but add up each digit of your birth year instead of the current year.
Does you anchor card resonate with your year so far? Does your birth card align with your identity? Share in the comments below!
If you would like to learn more about your anchor card, book a tarot reading with me!