Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born. It is then the lens that you perceive the world.

Nothing is more affirming than someone reflecting your lens back to you.

Learn astrology as it’s happening.

Subscribe to my Substack- an interactive blog- to learn more about astrology and tarot as it’s happening! I share moon rituals, tarotscopes and more!

Embodied Astrology Readings

  • Who You Are

    Sarah Jane’s birth chart readings affirm who you know you’ve always been. The experience is conversational, interactive and therapeutic. You feel like she really sees you.

  • Where You Are At

    Are you in a crossroads in your life? Sarah Jane’s chart readings help you to trust yourself to mak the next right choice.

  • Where You Are Going

    A transit reading allows Sarah Jane to look at your chart with future transits. It doesn’t necessarily tell the future, but gives some tols of what you might expect. Astrology transits are lik predicting the weather. She can’t tell you what will happen exactly, ut thatyou might want to pack an umbrella.

From LS:

I feel connected to my highest self after a reading with Sarah Jane. Her love of tarot and her astrology expertise make her the person I trust when exploring my relationship with my body and the universe. I leave always learning something new about myself.

You are magic.