Bodies Change and That’s OK

In my private yoga therapy practice and in my social circles, I’m hearing more talk about discomfort in bodies lately. Whether folks are uncomfortable in their body size, shape or simply in more pain lately, I am noticing a theme. From an astrology perspective, this has lined up with Mars going into retrograde on 12/6. Mars, the planet that rules over the function of our body is (from the Earth’s perspective) moving backwards through Leo. Leo, a fire sign, connects to our ego. This makes perfect sense that we are taking our bodies very personally right now.

Especially if you are someone who grew up in a culture or time where the shape, size and function of your body equated with your worth and safety, noticing how your body is changing might feel really scary.

Mars will be going back and forth through Leo and Cancer until April of 2025. During this time, themes around our bodies, our drive, our anger and our fight will be very close to the surface. Retrogrades are a great time to adjust or review an area of our life that might need a little tweak or support.

When I was very early in my eating disorder recovery, I was having big feelings about my body changing. I believe there was a pair of pants that no longer fit and it felt terrifying. My then boyfriend (now husband ❤️) said something to me that shifted my whole life,

“Bodies change and that’s ok.”

design by Sara Strese

Until this point, the only option I thought was acceptable was “make your body as small as possible at any cost”. Someone simply offering an alternative was a cool drink of water in a lifelong drudge through a desert.

This conversation was almost ten years ago. Throughout that time, I have worked so hard to trust and connect with my body. I have looked at my fatphobia, my ablism, my agism and so many isms that keep me from being loving and kind to myself and others. I learned that the effort to control myself bleeds into all other relationships. I learned that compassion for myself helps me to be compassionate to others.

I learned this acronym for LOVE:





Between this Mars retrograde and the North and South node shifting into Pisces and Virgo, we will be asked to look at our relationship to perfectionism. The North Node (where we want to lean into) will be in Pisces, a sign of the unknown. Pisces represents creativity and the messy middle part. The South Node (what we want to release) will be in Virgo. Virgo, when not in alignment, becomes controlling, rigid and perfectionistic.

Our work from now through the spring (and then into the next few years) is to trust our bodies and feel our anger. Our job is to let that process be messy, to let it be unfinished, to let ourselves (and others!) evolve.

Usually, when things feel out of control, if you have a history of trying to control your body, that is the first thing you will try to “fix”. There is no fixing your body. There is being with your body.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a quick fix for any of this discomfort. Learning to love and trust yourself takes time and practice. I do, however, have a few offerings that might help support you in this process:

I have a new virtual yoga offering! Every Monday from 8:30-9:30 am CST. This is on a sliding scale only $10-$20 a month (that’s $2.50-$5 a class!) This class is accessible for all bodies and you will have access to the library as I build it! I will integrate current astrological aspects as well as tarot insights.

Register here


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