Episode 04: Principle 2: Compassion


What is compassion? How is compassion for others different from compassion for ourselves? Kate and Sarah Jane break down the surprising complexities of compassion and explore its different expressions (generosity, hospitality, objectivity, sensitivity, and tolerance.) They discuss American psychologist Paul Ekman’s Four Types of Compassion, and Sarah Jane shares about her year of Metta (lovingkindness meditation.) This episode ends with several action steps to help you develop deeper compassion for yourself and others. Join us as we dive into the second principle of embodiment!

Follow @BeWithYourBodyPod on Instagram and Tiktok for more resources, or get in touch with the team at bewithyourbodypod@gmail.com.

This episode was created by Kate Martin and Sarah Jane Chapman. It was produced, scored, and engineered by Erik W. Thompson. For more on Erik’s work, please visit www.WalterAudio.com


Episode 05: Principle 3: Curiosity Over Criticism


Episode 03: Principle 1: Acknowledge The Struggle